Electrolytic Ozone for Laundry in Nursing Homes
The bleaching properties of ozone can reduce the amount of laundry detergent and other chemicals used…(Read More)
Ozone in Nursing Homes Can Save Lives
COVID-19 has wreaked havoc in nursing homes caused thousands of deaths. Could this have been prevented with better hygiene and sanitation? (Read More)
Ozone Solution Simplifies Food Preparation Safety for Major Five Star Hotel Chains
To ensure food safety and to meet stringent hygiene standards, the hotel’s central kitchen was chemicals to disinfect. But this was becoming problematic…(Read More)
How Ozone Keeps Your Food Clean
You may have had the experience of feeling sick after having unhygienic food? (Read More)
How BioSure is Helping a Growing Coffee Chain Meet Quality Standards
Taiwan is located in the subtropical zone, the combination of heat and humidity…(Read More)