How can Ozonated Water Keep Your Ice-Maker Sanitized?

How can Ozonated Water Keep Your Ice-Maker Sanitized?

Ozonated water is automatic and works with any ice maker. It’s easy to obtain now with the availability of commercial ozone generators (link to product). The Ice Machine Disinfection System by BioSure uses patented electrolytic technology to generate ozone-dissolved...
How Dirty is Restaurant Ice?

How Dirty is Restaurant Ice?

Would you be willing to drink water taken from a toilet bowl? If you ask anyone, the answer is likely to be no. But did you know that the ice that goes in our beverage at bars and restaurants could possibly contain the same or even higher levels of bacteria than water...
Is Ozone Harmful to Humans?

Is Ozone Harmful to Humans?

Ozonated water has become an invaluable tool for a number of businesses. With any emerging technology, there are always concerns about safety and potential harm to humans. Ozone has proven to be a powerful disinfection technology used for over a hundred years to keep...
Electrolytic Ozone for Laundry in Nursing Homes

Electrolytic Ozone for Laundry in Nursing Homes

The BES Ozonated Water System or OWS Series doesn’t just provide an ozone cleaning and disinfecting system — it does so with greater purity, more consistent water flow, and higher levels of ozone. As ozone is an effective sanitizer that can be used even in cold...