How Ozonated Water Works

How Ozonated Water Works

Ozone is one of the world’s most powerful oxidizing agents, as it readily removes organic and microorganisms and pollutants in water supplies. Ozone is a molecular compound of three oxygen atoms (O3), in which two oxygen atoms from the basic oxygen molecule (O2...
Food Safety and Ozone: How Ozone is Becoming the Industry Standard

Food Safety and Ozone: How Ozone is Becoming the Industry Standard

On February 5, 2004, the FDA wrote a letter to voice its concern to lettuce and tomato farmers about the numerous outbreaks tied to those foods. Since 1996, 14 such outbreaks have been investigated, with the Salinas Valley, California’s agriculture hub, being at the...
Is Ozone Water Safe?

Is Ozone Water Safe?

For over a hundred years, ozone has been used as a sanitizing solution to sanitize water and water lines. We now can create this natural sanitizing solution on a micro-scale making available to anyone. But there is still misinformation about the safety of ozone...