Ozone Disinfection for Drink Dispensers

Ozone Disinfection for Drink Dispensers

Many restaurants and bars use refrigerated drink dispensers to save costs on beverages while offering cold and refreshing beverages to their guests. Beyond the food and beverage industry, however, are movie theaters, schools, and hotels, which also use drink...
Keeping Your Beer Line Safe and Clean with Ozone

Keeping Your Beer Line Safe and Clean with Ozone

More than 27 billion pints of draft beer are consumed worldwide every year, and anyone who loves beer will choose it fresh from the tap over canned or bottled. Freshly pumped beer just tastes better – but only when the line from the keg and coupler to the tower is...
Ozone Spray vs 75% Alcohol for Sanitizing

Ozone Spray vs 75% Alcohol for Sanitizing

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, 75% alcohol or isopropyl alcohol spray has been one of our best friends for sanitizing our hands after handwashing. It effectively kills viruses by breaking the cell wall and eliminating the threat. Similarly, ozonated...
How can Ozonated Water Keep Your Ice-Maker Sanitized?

How can Ozonated Water Keep Your Ice-Maker Sanitized?

Ozonated water is automatic and works with any ice maker. It’s easy to obtain now with the availability of commercial ozone generators (link to product). The Ice Machine Disinfection System by BioSure uses patented electrolytic technology to generate ozone-dissolved...